Servofreno y bomba de freno - Serie 1, serie 2 hasta Noviembre 1973
Requires: 1
brake fluid reservoir
LHD models
Requires: 1
brake fluid reservoir
RHD models with automatic transmission
Requires: 1
All LHD models, RHD models with automatic transmission
Requires: 2
All LHD models, RHD models with automatic transmission
Requires: 2
All LHD models, RHD models with automatic transmission
Requires: 2
All LHD models, RHD models with automatic transmission
Requires: 2
brake fluid reservoir
RHD models with manual gearbox
Requires: 1
RHD models with manual gearbox
Requires: 1
brake fluid reservoir to master cylinder
Requires: 2
Requires: 1
to master cylinder
Requires: 1
brake master cylinder
Requires: 1
new item
Series I: Jaguar 4.2 to 1L65604 (LHD) and 1L26865 (RHD), Jaguar 2.8 to 1G55685 (LHD) and 1G11934 (RHD), Daimler 4.2 to 1U50460 (LHD) and 1U8389 (RHD), Daimler 2.8 to 1T50150 (LHD) and 1T3390 (RHD)
Requires: 1
brake servo - LHD models
Series I: Jaguar 4.2 to 1L65604 (LHD) and 1L26865 (RHD), Jaguar 2.8 to 1G55685 (LHD) and 1G11934 (RHD), Daimler 4.2 to 1U50460 (LHD) and 1U8389 (RHD), Daimler 2.8 to 1T50150 (LHD) and 1T3390 (RHD)
Requires: 1
brake servo - RHD models
Series I: Jaguar 4.2 to 1L65604 (LHD) and 1L26865 (RHD), Jaguar 2.8 to 1G55685 (LHD) and 1G11934 (RHD), Daimler 4.2 to 1U50460 (LHD) and 1U8389 (RHD), Daimler 2.8 to 1T50150 (LHD) and 1T3390 (RHD)
Requires: 1
Brake servo to pedal box
Requires: 1
- fitted to pedal box
Series I
Requires: 1
brake light switch
Series I
Requires: 1
brake pedal
Series I
Requires: 1
pedal box
Series I
Requires: 1
pedal box to chassis
Series I
Requires: 1
brake pedal and lever boss
Series I
Requires: 4
brake light switch retaining
Series I
Requires: 1
with bracket assembly
Series II
- replaces original switch
Requires: 1
- upper
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 1
- middle and lower
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 2
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 2
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 2
- LHD models
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 1
- RHD models
Series II with original brake light switch
Requires: 1
brake light switch retaining
Series II
Requires: 1
brake pedal - models with manual gearbox
Series II
Requires: 1
brake pedal - models with automatic gearbox
Series II
Requires: 1
brake pedal
Series II
Requires: 1
pedal box to chassis
Series II
Requires: 1
brake pedal
Series II
Requires: 2
brake pedal and lever boss
Requires: 4
brake pedal lever boss
Requires: 1
lever boss
Requires: 2
securing brake pedal and lever boss
Requires: 2
- LHD models
Cars with automatic transmission
Requires: 1
- RHD models
Cars with automatic transmission
Requires: 1
brake pedal
Cars with automatic transmission
Requires: 1
- LHD models
Cars with manual gearbox
Requires: 1
- RHD models
Cars with manual gearbox
Requires: 1
brake pedal - with 'J' for Jaguar
Cars with manual gearbox
Requires: 1
brake pedal - with 'D' for Daimler
Cars with manual gearbox
Requires: 1